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Sticky Crunchy Apple Flapjack Tart


While pondering on this recipe and what I was actually creating, the old Superman saying came to mind, ‘is it a bird…is it a plane…no its…’ Well it’s a Heinz 57 cross breed with a flapjack which is a British oat slice and and a desire to have an apple tart with a difference. If you aren’t familiar with the flapjack it a moreishly sweet, chewy centre and crispy outer oat slice. If it wasn’t for the ton of golden syrup or brown sugar that goes into it it would be rather good for you. I have sandwiched apples in between my slice, pressing the bottom layer into a base and crumbling the the second layer over the top. It has proved to be quite versatile this week as a dessert hot with ice cream or yoghurt and the left overs made a great lunchbox slice and even a substitute breakfast crumbled in a bowl with yoghurt. Of course you could substitute pears or stonefly it when it is in season.

150g rolled oats (finer flakes)
150g whole oats
50g wholemeal flour
150g butter
100g soft brown sugar
3 large granny smith apples
2 tsp cinnamon

Pre heat oven to 180C and grease a 22cm tart tin with a loose removable bottom.
Core the apples, and chop into approx 1 inch pieces. If you read my blog regularly you will know I don’t peel apples and pears but you can if you prefer.
Put the sugar and butter in a pan over a low heat. Once melted add all the oats, flour and cinnamon and stir to combine.
Press two thirds of the mixture into the prepared tin with a metal spoon, if the mixture sticks to the spoon, rinse and use the wet spoon to continue pressing.
Bake for 15 minutes and remove from the oven.
Cover the part baked base with the chopped apples.
Cover the apples with the rest of the mixture by crumbling it over the top.
Bake for another 30 minutes.
Serve warm with ice cream or yoghurt. Stays fresh for a week.

17 Comments Post a comment
  1. A great idea! This flapjack tart is fantastic.



    July 20, 2012
  2. I’m loving this one! Fully packed with fibre, vitamins and minerals AND low GI to boot. It’s on my dessert menu for next week.

    July 20, 2012
    • peasepudding #

      I have a nice salmon and quinoa cake recipe coming too

      July 21, 2012
  3. What a tasty twist on one of our family’s favorite treats. I’m pinning this one!

    July 20, 2012
  4. What a great idea making a flapjack tart! And I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve never tried a flapjack although I think that I’d love it because I love oats. Hope you are enjoying Sydney! 🙂

    July 20, 2012
    • peasepudding #

      Back home already but in Sydney again in two weeks!

      July 21, 2012
  5. Yum, loving the idea of this Alli. There is a great little cafe in North Canterbury called Pukeko Junction, where they make a slice like this but with a thick, gooey layer of caramel in the middle – I always stop for a piece whenever I’m travelling between Christchurch & Nelson. Can’t wait to give this version a try – I would definitely eat this as a breakfast substitute!!

    July 21, 2012
  6. Oh woowwww would love this! I get random urges for flapjack and this has given me one!

    July 21, 2012
  7. Reblogged this on claratheginger.

    July 21, 2012
  8. Your desserts are always so rustic looking. Just a few quality ingredients and look at the results. Another winner!

    July 22, 2012
  9. Wow if this stays fresh for a week, I can prepare it on Sunday and have good breakfast for a week. Nice recipe

    July 22, 2012
  10. “Of course you could substitute pears or “stonefly it” when it is in season”…..I’m sure you meant ‘stone fruit’….though I wonder what it would taste like with stone fly for extra protein. Hehe. Nice recipe BTW. I love the look of the crumble on top. 🙂

    July 22, 2012
  11. Great idea Alli! Flapjack with apples would be gorgeous!

    July 23, 2012
  12. Never tried a cake like this… Just have to wait for apple season in my aunts’s garden 🙂

    July 24, 2012
  13. hobbykitchenist #

    This looks quite beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever had anything similar, and I’m definitely bookmarking it for when it gets a little cooler around here. Because 95 degree weather doesn’t agree with baking 😦

    July 25, 2012
    • peasepudding #

      Wish I cold have some of that 95F now, just been surfing in a chilly 10C

      July 28, 2012
  14. loriybatesiq #

    Reblogged this on Lori Bates Posts.

    September 18, 2012

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